
0 posts tagged with "change"

Leading The Dance

September 5, 2017

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” - Alan Watts


Marketers are often viewed as change agents. There are a few reasons why this occurs. Many organizations are led by marketing. The standard marketing challenge is always “What new innovative idea can we bring to market?” Or one could say “What can we do to disrupt the status quo and create positive activity for our product or service?” After every campaign, initiative or...

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“You have beautiful veins” – Icebreaker Answers Can be Fun

July 7, 2017

Technical skills are very important in the workplace. Soft skills are just as important. Icebreakers can be a fun tool to help build soft skills across teams and departments.

You can have all the technical expertise in the world, but if you can’t connect with your colleagues you may fail. I’ve said often enough that we spend too much time at work not to enjoy what we are doing and whom we are working with. If we cannot connect as a team, we will be less effective in our efforts. Even those...

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Learning to Surf

August 7, 2017

They say the one constant is change. Yet you may wonder if too much change within an organization is the best thing for it. I know I stopped counting the restructures and reorganizations within one organization I worked in. And I was used to change having spent my earlier career in the agency world where time is marked by winning and losing clients, pitches, and those seemingly constant changes in the client’s direction.

How does one survive let alone thrive in constant change? In my opinion...

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Take A Step Back: Tips on dealing with changes in direction

January 8, 2018

Do you work in a fast-paced environment? Does every marketing project or task seem urgent? Are your sales teams/clients pushing you to go live ASAP? Dealing with conflicting priorities? Feeling like you are making mistakes in your haste to get things out the door? Republishing marketing materials because of those mistakes?

This probably sounds familiar to those in marketing, both brand and agency sides. While some industries are certainly more fast-paced than others, no vertical escapes the...

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Eight Tips on Implementing Organizational Change

March 15, 2018

Implementing cross-functional change initiatives can be daunting. First you need to consider how to execute the change. Then you need to worry about what you can do to ensure adoption of the change by the organization. And beyond roll-out, how do you guarantee this new change becomes part of the daily job responsibilities for those impacted colleagues? Flawless execution alone won’t ensure adoption and alignment.

Breaking down the change efforts into smaller steps can help you reach your...

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