Commitment means what to you? According to Merriam-Webster commitment is “an act of committing to a charge or trust.” We’ve heard it all before. The company is committed to this culture, the candidate is committed to this policy, the parent is committed to see their children succeed and the list goes on.

I think commitment has come back to the forefront of everyone’s thoughts, business policies and culture given the political climate we find ourselves in. In business, commitments play an important part of defining the vision and mission of the organization. And it can set you apart from the competition and even help create a culture that attracts top talent. When you are able to align your personal commitments to those of an organization you work with or volunteer with – that is the ideal situation. In the end you need your organization to be committed to the success of the organization, its employees and their customers. And you need a manager that is committed to your success and continued growth.

As a manager I am committed to my direct reports by:
• Maintaining a clear vision and strategic objectives
• Being a resource – to listen, to brainstorm, to have ideas bounced off me
• Looking for opportunities for growth such as stretch goals or special projects
• Seeking opportunities for learning such as conferences, seminars and continuing education courses
• Mentoring and coaching to help grow their expertise
• Allowing for risk and failure; viewing outcomes as areas for continuous improvements
• Lastly but never least – listening and supporting their desired personal growth

It starts with commitment but continues with dedication. So I will continue with my commitments and dedicate myself to my team. And if you are looking for some ideas on commitments for excellence in business, take a look at this article from Entrepreneur.


Photo: By Amy Mikel. The Great Wall in Beijing, China. September 2005.